Artist Bio: Wendy Burke |
Artist Bio - Wendy BurkeWendy Burke When all the children had left the nest I spent a few years enjoying folk art, without too much of a challenge and a lovely group of ladies it was a very pleasant pastime. I have attended workshops in folk art and fine art and no matter what the subject is, you still come away with more knowledge and a renewed enthusiasm. I became restless without that challenge and several years ago my son and daughter-in-law bought me a semester of lessons in fine art with our well-known local art tutor and renowned artist, Jan Long. This was what I call my beginning in really understanding this wonderful pastime. With lessons from Jan’s classes, her generous sharing of knowledge and the great exchange of ideas and skills shared in her classes by all participants, this is my inspiration to stretch my outlook and also I have made like-minded friends who all speak the same language and we share our own experiences as well. The lessons I have taken with Jan covered drawing skills, which was a 2-year course, painting in different mediums and how to draw portraits. In the past couple of years I have been attending a class called “Own Choice”. In this class participants bring along their own choice of artwork. This leads to a wealth of information for everyone because Jan advises each person on their project. Effectively giving us individual tuition. During Jan’s classes it was necessary to try pastel painting as a medium. I was not very motivated – I considered pastel very dirty and messy and couldn’t understand why anyone would want t use this as a choice. There was no choice in this class, we had tried several other techniques and this was the next one. The rest is history as they say. I haven’t been able to seriously use any other medium since. I have tried, bought oil paints and canvases, watercolour tubes, gouache and paper and have tried, but I just can’t get over my obsession. One of the real advantages of working with pastel is that when you put colour on the paper it is the colour you have chosen, it doesn’t change. What you see is what you get! Also there is no drying time and you can brush off any changes with a stiff brush and re-apply the pastel. The easiest surface to use, for me, is commercially produced pastel paper which has a fine irregular sandpaper type texture on the surface, has a cardboard feel and comes in a large range of colours. I have started to sell my paintings and have completed10 commissions. My commissions have been mainly portraits and pets. I don’t really have a favourite subject, I paint from photographs mainly and it depends how the photograph appeals to me as to whether it becomes my next project. I have been successful in receiving awards and selling my paintings in various art shows around the state. I am also greatly encouraged by the amount of commissions I have been asked to complete and look forward to continuing with this in the future. Whilst it is so rewarding to be acknowledged for your efforts, the over-riding reason why I paint is for the pure pleasure of creating an artwork. I feel privileged to have been able to pursue this God-given passion and to share this with others through different avenues. Contact options for enquiries: M: 0418 560 010 19 July, 2016 |